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The center of mass is more closer to the

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Lavinia Naholo

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Q: Why is a glass that filled with liquid less stable than an empty glass?
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When you fill me still i look empty what am i?

A glass jar filled with air

If you took a glass and it was filled half way is it half full or half empty?

The glass is actually full. Full of half air and half water. As for the water content, technically, there is no difference, except as it pertains to the process of filling or emptying, i.e. if it was filled and you drank some, it is half-empty; if it was empty and being filled, it is half-full.

What is the definition of liquid filled glass thermometer?

a temperature-measurement device whose operation is based on the thermal expansion of a liquid. Liquid-filled thermometers provide a direct reading of the temperature.

What are some ideas for a homemade instrument with three pitches?

Different size of glass jars will give you what you want.

Why is a wine glass containing wine less stable than a wine glass with no wine?

Wine glass containing wine is less stable than an empty wine glass because winecreates a high centre of gravity, thus it is likely to topple over.Hope this helps :)

Half empty or half full they look the same?

if the glass has been drunk from full to half then it is half empty and if u only filled the glass half way wouldn't it b half full!

What is the the name of the object a thin glass tubbed filled with liquid that measures temperature?


What is the exact quote for glass half empty half full concept?

If you just poured the liquid into the glass then it's half full, of you just pourd some out, then it's half empty

There are 10 glasses in a row The first five glasses are filled with water and the last five are empty How would you create a row of alternating empty and full glasses by only moving two of the glass?

Take the second and the fourth full glass, and empty the contents into the second and fourth empty glass. Put the now-empty glasses back where they were. Now the glasses alternate between full, empty, full, empty, full, empty, full, empty, full, and empty.

If you had six glasses and three of them was filled with water and left three empty and you need to alternate them in order by only moving one glass how would you do it?

Pour the water from one full glass into one empty glass so that the resulting arrangement is alternating.

What is the definitions of liquid volume?

The liquid volume of an object is the amount of liquid (like water or oil) that the object (like a glass) can hold when completely filled.

Who said is your glass half full or half empty?

It depends on who is responding to the question. It also matters if you are filling up the cup, or drinking it.An optimist, focusing on what he or she has, observes what is in the glass - the full half. A pessimist, on the other hand, focuses on what is missing, what he or she doesn't have - the empty half.It is always full. It may be filled with 50% of water and 50% of air, or any variation of competing percentages, but it is always full of something even if it looks empty as it could be FULL of air.It's completely empty until you put something in it.The cup is half full. A glass can't be half empty because half of nothing is still nothingIf you pour water into a cup until its filled half way, the cup of water is half full.If you fill a cup of water completely, then empty half of the water, the cup is half empty.If I told you I poisoned the water in the cup, would it matter if it's half full or half empty?The cup is not half full or half empty. The cup may be 1/8 off of being half full/empty, but it would take mad skill to get the cup exactly half full/empty. I suggest you do not ask a question, but rather a statement, like, "The cup is 1/4 filled." or "The cup is 3/4 filled." I assume you noticed I said "Filled" instead of "Full" or "Empty". But, since there is the one in a million chance that one of us has some crazy awesome mad skill, I guess you should ask "Does the pot have half of the pasta it can hold?" but add "And you can't say if it's filled!". So, the cup is half filled.