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Q: Why is a group of trout called a hover?
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Related questions

What is hover the collective noun for?

The collective noun 'hover' is used for a hover of trout, a hover of crows, a hover of hummingbirds, and a hover of helicopters.

What is a young trout called?

The term "fingerling" or "juvenile" can be applied to young fish. Fry is a term that applies to an earlier stage of development when the fish has just absorbed its yolk sack and become free swimming. Fingerling is the general term for a fish in the stage when it is a little bigger than this but still small.

What is female trout called?

A female trout is called a 'Hen' and a male trout is called a 'Jack'.

Group of crows?

Hover, Muster, Parcel, Murder A Hover of Crows A Murder of Crows A Muster of Crows

What is a baby trout named?

A baby trout is still called a trout

Can a train hover?

Yes, a train can hover. This kind of train is called a Maglev or a Hover Train. They can be found either in Japan or Germany. They hover by magnets.

What is more than one trout called?


What is the collective noun for trout?

The general collective nouns for any group of fish are a school of trout or a shoal of trout.The collective noun specifically for trout is a hoverof trout.

What we call a group of crows?

There is a very unusual name for a group of crows. While they, like all birds, can be called a "flock", a group of crows is also known as a "murder". There is much discussion but little agreement on WHY they are called a murder of crows. Other collective nouns include; Hover, Muster, Parcel, Mob

What is a female trout called?

Female trout.

What is a trout hatchling called?


Who wrote a classical piece nicknamed the trout?

Answer: Franz Schubert has a piece called 'The trout quintet.