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Q: Why is a lava lamp a chemical reaction?
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Is a lava lamp a chemical or physical change?

A lava lamp is a chemical change

Why is a lava lamp not a chemical change?

The chemical structures remain unchanged.

Does the temperature of the water affect the reaction of the lava lamp?

Yes. The temperature of the liquid and the wax both affect the action of a lava lamp.

Does the temperature of the water affect the reaction of a lava lamp?

Yes. The temperature of the liquid and the wax both affect the action of a lava lamp.

What is one chemical in a lava lamp?

Paraffin, solvent, dye.

Is lava cooling into lava rocks a chemical change?

No. This is simply a change of state from liquid to solid. It is a physical change.

What do you need to make a lava lamp cause a chemical reaction?

Switch it on i think, which would heat up the hardened wax at the bottom of the lamp and melt it so that it floats up to the top of the lamp in a process called convection, then when it reaces the cooler top of the lamp it will cool and sink to the bottom then repeat these steps again. But if you wanted a more exciting reaction you could put the lava lamp on a hot stove, but this is a very dangerous reation as it will probably explode violently, as proven in an episode of mythbusters.

What is inside a lava lamp?

Inside a lava lamp there is wax.

Is a lava lamp a compound or a mixture?

A Lava lamp is amixture of compounds.

What can you do to make a graph for an lava lamp?

how to make a graph for a lava lamp

What size bulb does a lava lamp use?

It depends on the size of the lava lamp

What are the variables for homemade lava lamp?

what is the controlled variable in a homemade lava lamp