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It's a bit more than a guess actually. It's the consistent logical outcome of the accumulated data and verified knowledge.

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Q: Why is a prediction an intelligent guess?
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What is a guess or prediction?

"Guess" and "prediction" are two different words. "Guess" means to suppose (something) without any sufficient information. However, "prediction" means to guess what will happen next with the information that is already known. Basically, it is an educated guess.

How is a prediction different to a guess?

A prediction is an educated guess. When you predict, you use the information you know to guess what will happen next. A guess means to "suppose (something) without sufficient information."

How do you make a prediction about Julie in Julie of the Wolves?

A prediction is a guess. When you hear that the story is about a girl that runs away and lives with wolves, you might guess that this is not going to be easy. You might guess that she may be harmed by the wolves. No prediction is wrong. It is just your best guess.

What is hypothesis and prediction or are the responsible variables?

Hypothesis is more of a scientific guess while prediction is a more of a guess based on experience.

How does a hypothesis compare to an inference and a prediction?

A hypothesis is an educated guess where as an inference or prediction is just a guess with little knowledge behind your answer.

What is a prediction about the outcome of the experiment?

The prediction about the outcome of an experiment is a hypothesis. It is basically an educated guess, and you see if your guess comes true or not.

What is an educated prediction?

An educated prediction is a forecast or estimate based on thorough research, analysis, and understanding of relevant information or data. It involves using knowledge and expertise to make an informed guess about what is likely to happen in the future.

An example of prediction?

If a weather mam says there is a 60% chance of rain then it is a prediction. Any guess is a prediction because you don't know exactly what is going to happen. Other words for prediction are to infer, guess, or make a hypothesis.

What is a hypothesis and prediction?

They are pretty much the same thing, the definition of hypothesis is an educated guess while prediction is a guess of what will happen in the future.

What is the difference between an intelligent guess and crude guess?

a crude guess is just a mere guess while the intelligent guess is likely to happen due to your experience

What is a prediction about the outcome of an experiment?

The prediction about the outcome of an experiment is a hypothesis. It is basically an educated guess, and you see if your guess comes true or not.

What is the definition of an intelligent guess?

An intelligent guess is an educated estimate made using logical reasoning, prior knowledge, and critical thinking skills. It involves using available information and context to make an informed prediction or decision.