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Q: Why is a satellite so important?
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Why spin motion is important for satellite?

Spin motion establishes a direction for the satellite to point to and stabilizes the satellite.

Which is the most important satellite?

the moon

Why is the satellite important to science?

The satellite is important to science because that's how we are able to tell the weather days ahead before it comes.

Is galaxy 14 an important satellite?

I have no idear

What are the important application of satellite?

There are many applications of satellites, so any answer is probably debateable, but I'd say communications and imaging.

Why is it valuable for more than one landsat satellite to be orbiting at the same time?

It's important that more than one Landsat satellite because one satellite can orbit the whole earth so if more come than it will take 18 days to scan the earth

Which satellite is not considered a satellite now?

Are you think of Pluto? If so it remains a satellite but has been reclassified as a dwarf planet.

Why is it more valuable for more than one Landsat satellite to be orbiting Earth at the same time?

It's important that more than one Landsat satellite because one satellite can orbit the whole earth so if more come than it will take 18 days to scan the earth

What is the purpose of a satellite antenna?

A satellite antenna has one very important purpose. It is designed to allow a home to receive a satellite signal, which then allows users to receive a television signal.

What the 4 important application of satellite?


Why is a satellite an important invention?

Because gps need them sometimes satellite tv even a mobile phone needs them in remote areas.

How is the moon a natural satellite?

Its not man made anything that orbits another body is a satellite, so the earth is a natural satellite of the Sun