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Because love is all u need baby, I love you

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Q: Why is a spark more likely to jump to your finger than your forehead when you approach a charged van de graff generator?
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A body part that starts with the letter f?

Foot? Fibula? * Femur * Face * Fist * Fallopian tube * Forehead * Forearm * Finger *

How do you say bye in sign language?

To say "bye" in American Sign Language (ASL), wave your flat hand back and forth in front of your face.

How is the tilak placed on the forehead?

Type your answer here... Using middle and ring fingers with thumb, on forehead, little above between eyebrows you must apply 'Tilak'. Do not use forefinger and little finger.

What does the cross tattoo on the index finger mean?

well, if your catholic then you know that when you got into a church you put your index finger in wholly water and you tap your forehead the middle of your chest then your right shoulder then your left. some people kiss that finger after words but it inst required. when you tap your forehead its the father, middle of your chest the son , both sides make the wholly spirit and when you kiss your finger your saying amen. that might be a little over helpful but there you go.

What is abody part that starts with f?

· face · feet · femur · fibula · finger · fingernails · fist · foot · forearm · forehead · fovea

What song do these lyrics come from She was looking pretty dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead?

All Star by Smash Mouth.

What body parts start with the letter f?

Finger Foot Femur (and its derivatives - femoral nerve, femoral artery, etc.) Fist (if you accept a specific formation of a body part) Fallopian tubes Forehead Face (and its derivatives - facial nerve, etc)

How do you learn to whistle like a train?

Take your right hand and keep the thumb finger perpendicular to fore-finger. Now keep your mouth between thumb and fore-finger where the fore-finger touches the forehead and the thumb the lower jaw. Start to blow in that position and you can wonderfully whistle like a train.

When you're using the right-hand or generator rule your middle finger indicates the direction of what?

conventional current flow

What does touching your middle finger and your pointer fingers to your forehead represent?

its something people do to "channel there psychic powers" and to use "telekinetic powers" and how no real meaning.

How do you detect cyanosis by using the skin of the forehead?

Cyanosis is detected by blue discolouration of the skin. It is best observed on the lips, finger tips and ear lobes.

How do you do the Cirque du Freak deaths touch sign?

You put the middle finger of your right hand on the center of your forehead, and then your ring finger on your left eyelid and your index finger on your right eyelid (but keep your eyes open) and stretch your thumb and pinky wide. Even in death, may you be triumphant!