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Q: Why is a stretcher bond commonly used?
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What is the objective of stretcher bond?

It is a masonry bond with all courses laid as stretchers and with the vertical joint of one course falling midway between the joints of the courses above and below. It makes the wall stronger and more decorative

What is stretcher bond?

The simplest to lay, and therefore the most common, the bricks are laid flat long side to the face of the wall. This bond is sometimes known as running bond. This bond is the simplest bond that is used today, this bond is not suitable as a stand alone structural wall and a structural wall built directly behind it, fixed with wall ties would be needed. Stretcher Bond is normally used a facade for the main structural building. It can look very plain, but with the introduction of other patterns can look very affective.

What are advantage and disadvantage of stretcher bond?

distributes loads across the wall

What is different types of brick masonry bond?

Header,english,stretcher and others

How do you use a Flemish bond for intersecting walls?

Flemish bond wall construction is not as strong as the English bond brick wall.In a Flemish Bond wall, alternate header and stretcher are laid in every course of the bricks, header bricks being centrally placed between the stretcher bricks in a course and between the stretchers of the top and bottom courses.See the pic in related link for the intersection in Flemish Bond wall construction.

What stretcher is used for transportation over water?

They either place the person in a helicopter, or put him on a floating stretcher.

What do you call the thing medical people use to carry injured humens?

There are a variety of devices used to carry patients. Longboard, scoop stretcher, basket stretcher, wheeled stretcher, light stretcher, portable stretcher, stair chair Sometimes we’ll just use a blanket, or do a direct carry.

How are election distributed in a covalent bond?

Electrons are used commonly between atoms.

What is that thing that EMS workers carry injured people on?

One type is called a stretcher and it is a framework of two poles with a long piece of canvas slung between them. The other is called a gurney which is a wheeled stretcher used for transporting hospital patients.

Why is English bond a strong bond?

English bond refers to a type of brickwork bond used in the construction of (usually) load-bearing walls. Brick homes commonly built in the US today use a type of brickwork called a stretcher bond. Basically, a stretcher bond is a single row of bricks (about 4" thick - called a half-wythe) laid longwise end-to-end (stretchers). This type of construction is really just a brick veneer which is supported by load-bearing wall elements behind it - such as 2x4 wood frame construction, "cinder block", or a poured concrete wall. A brick wall employing a English bond, on the other hand, is a full wythe thick (about 8" - the length of a standard brick). It's made by alternately laying a row of two bricks "longwise" side-by-side (stretchers) and then a row of bricks "crosswise" (headers). The joints are staggered so that the header bricks (and mortar) lock in the stetcher bricks in the rows above and below them and, likewise, the stretcher bricks (and mortar) lock in the header bricks in the rows above and below them.

What is the plural form of stretcher-bearer?

The plural of stretcher-bearer is stretcher-bearers.

What is a band stretcher in math?

A band stretcher in math is an apparatus made with rubber bands that is used in Connected Math projects. Google "band stretcher connected math". This is another example of the stupidity of Connected Math. What a waste of time!