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Q: Why is a vaccination long term ability of the body to resist disease?
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How does the human body develop immunity to diseases by studying physiological process?

Immuniyt is the ability of the body to resist infection by a certain disease. that's all thank you.

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Why do you have vaccinations?

Vaccination introduce small amount of a disease to your body so that your natural immune systems builds anti-bodies and such to fight the disease. This makes your immune system stronger so that it can more effectively fight the disease or completely resist the disease when you get exposed to the real thing. How is that?

How active vaccination protect the body against disease?

Active vaccination produces antibodies against the particular organism. These antibodies kill the invading pathogen and protect the body against the disease.

What happens when you are vaccinated?

When you are vaccinated, your body builds up an immune response to the vaccination. This protects you from the disease you were vaccinated for. There is some controversy about vaccination.

Why do horses have to rest after getting rhino vaccination?

Hard work after a vaccination can compromise the body's ability to respond to the vaccine, leading to a less strong immunity to the disease vaccinated against. Light exercise and turnout after vaccination may be beneficial to help reduce stiffness and soreness at the injection site, but heavy work should be avoided.

What is the role of a vaccine?

A vaccination is weakened germs of a disease. When you get injected with these germs, your body build an immunity against it, so when you really get the disease, your body can fight it off.

How small pox cure?

There is a vaccination available. A dead or weakened form of the disease is injected into the body and the body builds up an immunity to the disease. Antibodies recognize the disease microbes and attack them.

How does vaccination work to prevent the spread of disease?

Vaccines are said to be a certain percent effective. "Clinically Effective" is a legal term that refers to the body producing antibodies upon receiving vaccination. The body can still get the infection even if the body produces antibodies. "Effective" does not refer to the safety nor the effectiveness of preventing disease.

In terms of the general adaptation syndrome what stage occurs when the energy store is used up or the attempt to resist the stressor has failed?

The body's resistance to the stress may gradually be reduced, or may collapse quickly. Generally, this means the immune system, and the body's ability to resist disease, may be almost totally eliminated