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Q: Why is a woodlouse a crustacean?
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Are woodlouse vertebrates?

A woodlouse is not an insect. It is a crustacean because it has 14 legs and is encased in a rigid shell.

Do wood lice have teeth?

No, a woodlouse is a crustacean.

How does a woodlouse protect itself?

A Woodlouse is actually classified as a crustacean. It's flexible, hard outer shell allows it to roll in a ball to protect itself against potential predators.

A crustacean that lives in moist soil?


Which animal group does the wood lice belong to?

The woodlouse is often mistaken for an Insects, but lack most of the defining features of the group, such as, 6 legs and 3 body parts. The woodlouse actually belongs to the group known as Crustacea, more commonly called "Crustacean"

Why does a woodlouse curl into a ball?

Defense against threats and protection against disturbances are reasons why a woodlouse curls into a ball. The crustacean in question (Oniscidea suborder) curls with under-parts inward so that the harder exo-skeleton is what potential competitors and predators find.

Is a woodlouse a reptile?

No, the woodlouse is a crustacean known as an isopod. Some isopod species live in the sea, and others on sand beaches. But stereotypical woodlice live on land, and are often referred to as "doodle bugs" and "pill bugs" (for instinctively rolling into a ball when threatened).

What do slater bugs eat?

Slater's eat on decaying vegetable's, fungi and other animal matter

Does a woodlouse have a shell?

no, a woodlouse has an exo-skeleton

Are pill bugs myriapods?

No, but there is a pill millipede. The only difference is that it has 2 pairs of legs per segment.

Why are woodlouse named woodlouse?

Well it isn't really name a woodlouse the scientific name for it is dregonmss

How many parts does the woodlouse have?

I don't know. It depends what breed of woodlouse it is. But I can tell you there are over 3,500 species of woodlouse!