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Q: Why is accuracy of measurements in the lab so important?
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Does adding spin to an object to an object increase accuracy?

it increases the stability of the projectile. so yes it would help create consistency and accuracy.

What is temperature calibration?

Temperature calibration is a term used to describe an evolution in measurement activities when the affects of temperature must be accounted for, or even nullified, when making measurements. Temperature affects a great many measurements, and its affects must be accounted for if accuracy in any measurements is to be had. It could also be applied to the chemistry of materials where an action or a reaction requires mixtures whose ingredients are blended in proportions that are temperature dependent. The quality and the productivity of countless industries depend on accuracy in so many areas of production or service. Calibration is a huge business within industry because of the demand for accuracy in any instruments that are used to measure anything. Many tens, or even hundreds of millions of dollars are spent annually on calibration activities. And thermal (or temperature) calibration is a chunk of that. Why not take a quick look at what calibration is all about? A link is provided to the calibration article posted by our friends at Wikipedia, where knowledge is free.

Can accuracy depend on the precision of the instrument?

Of course, if the instrument is flawed so will the results.

Why photoelectric measurement are so sensitive to the nature of photoelectric surface?

why are photoelectric measurements are so sensitive to the nature of the photoelectric surface

Why are photoelectric measurement so sensitive to the nature of the photoelectric surface?

why are photoelectric measurements are so sensitive to the nature of the photoelectric surface

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How important is accuracy on a balance sheet?

There is no tolerance for errors at all. So the accuracy is expected to be absolute.

What are the importance of using measuring devices?

to make accurate and precise measurements, so that we can compare stuff accurately on a scale, instead of saying that this apple is bigger, with a weighing scale, we can say that Apple x is 15g while Apple y is 20g so Apple y is heavier.

Why is preparing before a lab important?

So you can make sure you have everything for the next day which will be the day you do the lab (:

Why are safety symbols important in a lab?

so that if an amatuer person or some one not well versed in lab safety happens to come to the lab they still take the most important cautions if not all of them

What are the important of measurement?

measuring devices are really important so that you can give accurate information regarding measurements.

Why are copying procedures so important?

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the copied material(s)

How are accuracy and precision important?

Accuracy is whether or not the average of all of the trials in a specific experiment is equal to the intended amount--it may have been given to you or you may have to do some calculations to determine the correct amount. Accuracy is important in an experiment so one can come up with the correct answer. One one to deter from having accurate measurements is having random or systematic errors (random=fault on experimenter's behalf, systematic=error in calibration of an istrument). Precision, on the other hand, entails the reproducibility of an experiment. This just means that all trial results were fairly close to each other. This does not necessarily mean the experiment was accurate, however, as precise measurements can be all close to each other but far away from the intended result. This could be the result of a systematic error. Accuracy and precision are both important to have in an experiment as it ensures both a correct result and reproducibility.

How are accuracy and precision both important?

because they are both a reliable measurement and is both accurate and precise

Why is it important to wear goggles when heating liquids in the science lab?

So your eyes do not burn.

Why is it important to use a standard form of measurement?

So that others can understand and repeat the measurements.

What do you understand with consistency and accuracy from experiment?

The accuracy of a measurement is the degree to which it approaches the true value.The true value of some feature is the value to which a large number of reputable measurements, made by competent experimenters, tends.Consistency or more commonly, repeatability, is the ability of the experimenter and their equipment to produce a consistent result.At a formal level, organizations such as standard institutes, ISO, ASTM and so on will have published their definitions of these important concepts.

Why is it important to listen to your teacher carefully in science lab?

It is important to listen to your teacher in a science lab because there is some very dangerous stuff in there which could harm you, so if you listen to your teacher, she/he can tell you what to do but safely!