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Paint is pigment (powder that gives the paint color) and binder (the thick stuff that holds the pigment together). The painter thins the paint down with a solvent (water, in the case of acrylics, turpentine in the case of oils--Adding gel medium or linseed oil acts as extenders. Different issue.) to the consistency of his/her liking. So, the answer to "Why is acrylic painting thick?" is ... because the painter wanted it that way.

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Q: Why is acrylic painting thick?
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You will need a stiff paper, in paper terms at least 140 lb. weight paper. The next step is all about the style of painting you want to make. Acrylic paints are versatile because they can be waterd down, made to be very thin, or used very thick with texture. An old rule of painting is 'Thick on Thin'.

Acrylic Painting Techniques?

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One can learn about acrylic painting techniques online at the Willkempart School website. One can learn online for free by watching Youtube videos from people who do acrylic painting.

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Speed is quite helpful in acrylic painting, since they dry so much faster than do oils. Often, the quick-drying layers are stacked one upon the other, as opposed to pushing around a big thick mass that gives you plenty of time for blending.

What painting medium introduced in the 1950s has challenged the supremacy of oil painting?

Acrylic paint

Can acrylic paints be used for faux painting?

Yes, they can.

What is a painting medium?

A painting medium is the type of material which the artists uses to create the painting. Some painting mediums are oil, acrylic, and watercolor.

What has the author Earl Grenville Killeen written?

Earl Grenville Killeen has written: 'The North Light Book of acrylic painting techniques' -- subject(s): Technique, Acrylic painting

What to do if acrylic colors get dry?

if too thick, it will get fissured

How thick is the acrylic in a tanning bed?

you are seriously a retard

What adhesive should you use to adhere buttons to an acrylic painting?

super glue, it will stick acrylic pant will stick to the canvas and the super glue will stick to the acrylic paint. plus superglue is clear and won't run. your painting will look wonderful!