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Q: Why is an earthquake accompained by noise?
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Why does an earthquake produce noise?

because of resonance under crust

What kind of earthquake happened in Haiti?

There was a big earthquake in 2010 in Haiti. The earthquake was 7.0

What is a small earthquake called?

earthquake aftershocks

What is an earthquake positions?

well if a earthquake happened the best thing to do is to go as far away as possiable from the earthquake

What was the rate of haiti's earthquake?

A monster 7.0 earthquake

Related questions

Why is an earthquake is accompanied by noise?

An earthquake is accompanied by noise due to the release of energy stored in the Earth's crust. This energy causes rock layers to break and slip past each other, creating vibrations that produce sound waves. The noise you hear during an earthquake is a result of these vibrations traveling through the ground and air.

Why does an earthquake produce noise?

because of resonance under crust

Why is there noise with an earthquake?

The movment does cause the rattle of buildings shaking as well.

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There was a loud noise, which could very well be an earthquake, when Jesus gave up his spirit.

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A quake's sound hink pink: Rumble grumble.

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What are airline externalities?

Externalities are either positive or negative effects imposed on outsiders. For example: Negative airline externalities could include air, water, and noise pollution. People who are not using the airline are still affected negatively by the noise and pollution airlines produce. An example of a positive airline externality could be the rapid response from the U.S. to Mexico after an earthquake. The people of Mexico trapped by debris from the earthquake are benefiting from the ability of airlines to get people, search dogs, and equipment to Mexico very quickly. Externalities are either positive or negative effects imposed on outsiders. For example: Negative airline externalities could include air, water, and noise pollution. People who are not using the airline are still affected negatively by the noise and pollution airlines produce. An example of a positive airline externality could be the rapid response from the U.S. to Mexico after an earthquake. The people of Mexico trapped by debris from the earthquake are benefiting from the ability of airlines to get people, search dogs, and equipment to Mexico very quickly.