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The ice starts to melt.

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Q: Why is an ice cube affected to a string if you sprinkle salt on it?
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What happens when you sprinkle salt on an ice cube?

it melts...

What makes a plant die?

sprinkle salt on it and it will poisin it

What melt first of a ice cube salt and ice cube with salt?

an ice cube with salt

Is a string with salt lifting an ice cube a science project?

It is easy just put salt and let it rest for a few then pick it up.

Why do Japanese sprinkle salt on the stage before performing anything?

Because they think if they will not sprinkle salt then ghosts will come on the stage

Will add salt to ice water help keep soda cold?

Yes, it will keep the soda cold because the salt help the ice not to melt. Don't believe me check it yourself. Get an ice cube put a little salt on it and it doest melt. Or get an ice cube put some salt on it and then get a string put on top and IT WILL STICK!!!!!!!

Why you sprinkle the salt on the frozen roads?

Salt melts ice.

What takes longer to dissolve in water a salt cube or powdered salt?

A salt cube

What happens if you sprinkle salt on a cat?

it is better seasoned when you cook it.

What makes a plant die faster?

sprinkle salt on it and it will poisin it

How do you make salt cubes?

You get salt and put it in a cube

Which will melt first an ice cube or an ice cube with salt on it and why?

Ice cube with salt. The salt disrupts the lattice formation in the ice, lowering the melting temperature. As the salt melts ice, the surface area exposed to the salt increases, further perpetuationg the reaction.