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Q: Why is an upwelling important to fishermen?
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How is upwelling important to fishermen?

Upwelling is important because it brings greater concentrations of dissolved nutrients, such as nitrates and phosphates, to the ocean surface. that way fish will go to the top of the water and eat the plankton making it much easier for fisherman to catch a quick bite. :) hope that helps

Why is upwelling important to fishers?

i don't realy know

Why is the warm weather condition of El Nino not good for the fishermen?

Under normal conditions, upwelling at the equatorial Pacific brings up nutrients from the deep ocean, which ultimate provides food for fish. During El Nino, this upwelling is reduced or even reversed, leading to fewer nutrients and thus, fewer fish.

What are the two steps in upwelling?

The two steps of upwelling is

What is the process of upwelling?

Upwelling in biology is the process in which nutrient rich soil that is located deeper in the ocean rises to the surface due to ocean currents and winds. This is important because it allows the organisms living at the surface to get their needed nutriends

Which is an example of a vertical current?

upwelling current upwelling current

An upwelling brings nutrients from the floor of the ocean to the surface?


How can you use upwelling in a sentence?

When my dad is mad, you can hear the upwelling in his voice.

When is upwelling weaker during a normal pattern El Niño or La Nina event?

During El Nino upwelling is weaker. During La Nina upwelling increases. During a normal pattern the upwelling rises.

Why are wetlands important to fishermen in the US?

wetlands breed insects eaten by fish.

How does upwelling bring fish or nutrients to the surface?

how does upwelling bring fish and nutrients to the surface

How is upwelling significant to ocean dynamics?

Upwellings cause phytoplankton and other fish-eaten prey to be able to grow more toward the surface, due to this, more fish are able to prosper closer to the surface and in turn, allow fisherman to fish more as well.