

Why is anime made in japan?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Anime originates from Japan where they have numerous studios dedicated to the production of animated films and series .

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As far as I know, yes. But Japan is the leader in that field.

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anime was created in Japan

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Well anime is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation." Anime is what you call cartoons from Japan.

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OI?! That crap ain't anime. It was made in FRANCE, not Japan. It is not anime. Delete this question and ask in the right category under the right label.

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Anime is short for animation.

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Anime Originated From The Japanese. (Japan =) )

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Vocaloid is not an anime because, well, vocaloid is a program made in Japan where you buy the characters and the sets and you can make your own videos. Sometimes they're fan-made and other times they're made by the actual people. So, to answer your question, Vocaloid is a program, not an anime or manga. Vocaloid isn't an anime, but they have made a manga of it. It's called Hatsune Mix, and you can read it on

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Seiko Anime is located in Japan where anime originates. Although anime has gained a little interest in the United States, it is nowhere near the popularity it still has in Japan.

Is there a anime ed edd n eddy?

No, there is not. The reason there isn't and cannot be one unless Japan starts making their own episodes is because "Ed, Edd N' Eddy" is NOT made in Japan, and anime are Japanese cartoons. Incorrect. There is an anime version of the show with some differences.