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Well, that's because argon is a noble gas. Noble gases are in group 18 of the Periodic Table. It's very stable, inert and unreactive because of its electronic structure, [Ne] 3s2 3p6. All its shells are fully filled with electrons - we say that it has the stable octet structure or noble gas configuration. That's why there is no necessity for argon to gain, lose or share electrons with other atoms, and even among argon atoms. So it exists as a monatomic atom, just one atom on its own. It just doesn't need to bond and can stay inert and stable just by its own.

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No, it generally does not form chemical bonds because it is a noble gas.

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The boiling points are very close.

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Q: Why is argon unwilling to bond with other atoms?
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What type type of bond does argon normally form?

To my knowledge argon is a noble gas, meaning it is extremely stable and very unlikely to bond. It may be I don't know enough but as a noble gas I believe it doesn't make bonds to other atoms.

Do magnesium and argon for an ionic compound?

No. Argon is chemically inert and does not form any bond with magnesium (or other metals).

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Argon is a noble gas and exists as individual atoms, so it does not form bonds like other elements. It is a chemically inert gas and is most commonly found in its pure elemental form.

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