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Arteriosclerosis is plaque or cholesterol, platelets, fibrin and other substances on the arterial walls (artery walls) that can lead to blockage of circulation. KNOWN CAUSES: Smoking, high cholesterol levels (diet), high blood pressure as well as hereditary factors (if other members of your family has suffered from this.) Diabetes can also create this disease. It may cause Angina (pain in the chest) and even a heart attack. SYMPTOMS: Blockage of arteries can occur anywhere in the body although the most common is the legs, either high up to the pelvis, or further down in the calf. If not looked after it can cause pain in these areas because it is not receiving enough blood supply and will cause aching pain in the muscle which is relieved by rest and worsened by activity. If the disease is at it's worst even resting one can still have pain. DIAGNOSIS: There are other signs to this disease including absent pulses and poor skin filling from capillaries which are compressed. An Ultrasound test may further confirm the diagnosis in which a dye is injected into the larger arteries and traced with x-rays is the most reliable test. CONVENTIONAL TREATMENT: Ranges from light exercise (if no major symptoms are evident) and drug therapy to surgery. Bypass grafts made of synthetic material is inserted in place of the blocked segments. If the blockage is in many smaller vessels surgery is considered inappropriate but a single severe blockage is present, a procedure called "balloon Dilation" is sometimes advised. A tube is inserted into the artery under x-ray guidance, and at the area of obstruction a tiny balloon ins inflated to relieve the obstruction. DRUGS: There are many drugs to help the patient and should be discussed with the specialist. BYPASS SURGERY: Experts reviewed this surgery over a 15 year period concluded that in most cases the operation has not been shown to save lives. It turned out to be 15% or greater with a risk of brain damage following coronary bypass surgery. PROGNOSIS: If this disease is left untreated it can be fatal by leading to a stroke or heart attack. Caution is needed if a patient is also diabetic because the disease can progress very rapidly. A good diet, quitting smoking, no alcohol, exercise (according to the instructions from your specialist) looking after your Diabetes "to the letter with no complaints" and working close with your family doctor can certainly lengthen your life. Also, many of the suggested surgeries are highly successful with the exception of Bypass Surgery.

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8y ago

atherosclerosis is dangerous because it reduces the flow of blood and can lead up to a lethal heart attack. you can avoid this by eating right, excersise, and avoid smoking. smoking accually increases your chance of a heart attack. scources: Life Science school book
It blocks the flow of blood ...

especially to the heart and brain.

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12y ago

is defined in layman's terms as plaque build up in the arteries. It is an arterial disease which is the root cause of most strokes, heart attacks, and general Heart disease. The arterial plaques consist of a number of substances namely cholesterol and scar tissue which build up in the arteries over many years as a result of damage done to the inner layer of the arteries. When these arterial plaques accumulate at a rate faster than they can be resolved atherosclerosis can lead to life threatening arterial disease and an increased risk for sudden death due to clogged arteries, congestive heart failure, and strokes due to blood clots and plaques which breakaway form the walls of the arteries and become lodged in the brain.

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When was Atherosclerosis - journal - created?

Atherosclerosis - journal - was created in 1970.

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yes some of the clinics in MN offers atherosclerosis treatment. You can check on this

Atherosclerosis is what?

Atherosclerosis is a condition in which an artery wall thickens as a result of the buildup of fatty materials. Atherosclerosis results in a reduced flow of blood in the affected artery. Atherosclerosis can develop in the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heat muscle.

What is the progression of the disease atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis can lead to blood clots, heart attack and stroke.

How does atherosclerosis begin?

It seems that atherosclerosis begins with tiny tears at stressed places in the walls of the arteries

The build-up of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries is a condition known as?

Arteries maybe clogged by fatty deposits on their walls causing the condition known as Atherosclerosis.

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superoxide is damaging to body as it is quixkly metabolised to free oxygen radicals. these radicals damage cells, cause atherosclerosis, cancer, and other metabolic conditions.

Hazards of atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis predisposes a person to many different types of disease such as coronary artery disease, peripeheral arterial disease, mesenteric ischemia, and ischemic stroke to name some of the heavy hitters. These are all dangerous diseases that can be lethal.

Heart attakcs strokes atherosclerosis are problems of what systems?

Heart attacks are cardiovascular, strokes and atherosclerosis are neural.

Is atherosclerosis a cardiovascular disease?

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