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your momma destroyed the plants

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Q: Why is benzene no longer used to extract caffeine from plants?
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What is in caffeine that kills the cells of plants?

It's not that there is anything in caffeine that kills plants, it is the caffeine itself. Caffeine is a toxin produced by some plants to ward off predators, but is lethal to plant cells when artificially introduced.

How does caffeine effect the growth of a bean plant?

their are some myth that caffeine can affect plants bad or good

What are the different types of caffeine sources?

Caffeine is contained in several plants, especially some plants used to prepare drinks - such as coffee, tee, guarana, yerba mate.

How do plants make caffeine?

Caffeine occurs naturally in a number of plants. The most well-known of these are tea, coffee, and the cocoa plant. Coffee and tea contain more caffeine than the cocoa plant, which just contains small amounts. There are other plants, however, which naturally contain caffeine. These include yerba mate, guayusa, and yaupon, which are all species of holly. A few other species of holly also contain some caffeine. Another unrelated plant (related to maple trees actually), called guarana, contains caffeine. There may be others but these are the only plants that I know of that contain caffeine.

How much caffeine should you put on your plants for your experiment?


60 plants contain caffeine - is spinach one of them?


What is the gas humans give of to plants?

Carbon dioxide. The plants extract the carbon and release oxygen.

How is synthetic caffeine made?

Caffeine is naturally occurring in a wide variety of plants, including tea and coffee. There are also more esoteric plants which contain caffeine, including Yerba Mate, Guayusa, Yaupon, and Guarana. Chocolate (from the Cacao plant) also contains a trace of caffeine.

Why did they invent caffeine?

Caffeine was not invented. It is a naturally occurring compound found in many plants, including coffee, tea, and cocoa. The plants produce it as a type of pesticide, as it kill many kinds of insects.

Where is caffeine made?

Nearly all caffeine is obtained from natural sources. Many plants (~60+) produce caffeine as a natural part of their biochemistry. Since caffeine is a natural pesticide, it seems logical that plants that produce it would have an advantage in resisting pests. The biggest sources are probably coffee beans, tea leaves, and kola nuts.

What do Plants produce caffeine as a chemical defense against?

buggie bugs.

How plants have chemical defenses and physical defenses?

For one, not too many people know that caffeine, which is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, mate, etc. is a natural insectiside the plants produce. Insects become paralized when they consume the caffeine which is in those plants.