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All ecosystems is made by consumers and producers.

An ecosystem that is made mostly of consumers would soon die off because the consumers would have consumed all consumeable goods.

Very often we see that one persons waste is another persons gold.

In an ecosystem this is very true indeed.

An ecosystem consisting of a few rabbits and a hill of grass, is a win win situation.

Grass grow. Rabbit eat grass. Rabbit drop some poo here and there. Grass grows better here and there. Rabbit make a family. Life is good.

Biodiversity is very important because more species mean less actual waste products. One species waste and another species gold. If having a lot of different species, then the more chance that what one does can be used for the good of others.

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14y ago
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13y ago

ill give you an example and ill tell you what I mean.

see, say for example your mother likes only men and all the men around her are gay. what is she going to do? ill tell you what she does, she has to start making relations with women around her, girl on girl action in order to fit in the bio diverse system of ecology. she sleeps with women she has helped the ecosystem by creating more gays in the system.

Real definition: biodiversity is important to the ecosystem because it ensures diversity with in species. DIVERSITY BETWEEN SPECIES BEGINS WITH DIVERSITY WITH IN SPECIES.

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9y ago

Biodiversity is important to the ecosystem because a greater diversity of life is more able to make use of resources without overburdening the system. A diversity of life also helps to insure that some life will survive even in the face of a major disaster, since each type of life has a different level of needs.

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8y ago

It give resiliency - against change of conditions, disease, etc.

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Biodiversity is the measure of the number of species living within an ecosystem.

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What are the function and benefits of biodiversity?

Biodiversity describes the different life forms found within an ecosystem. It is a measure of the health of an ecosystem and greater biodiversity implies greater health. See the related links for more information.

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Biodiversity in the ecosystem increases. JAIRO MAYEN YALL!

What are 4 reasons why biodiversity is important?

Medicinal, Economic, Aesthetic, and Ecosystem functions.

What does biodiversity indicate about an ecosystem?

Biodiversity is variety of lifeforms in a specific geographic are in fixed time period . If lifeforms share same ecosystem so in one ecosystem there is a biodiversity. In this way Biodiversity is related with ecosystem

What reduces the biodiversity of US?

by making national parks and protecting the animals

How do humans benefit from biodiversity-?

Biodiversity is important because it gives us the variety in our lives and shows us how people, plants and animals are all different even if they all live in the same environment. Biodiversity describes the different life forms found within an ecosystem. It is a measure of the health of an ecosystem and greater biodiversity implies greater health. See the related links for more information.

What ecosystem has low biodiversity?

The Tundra has the lowest biodiversity.

What are the importance of biodiversity that human needed?

Humans need biodiversity ,as biodiversity is related to the ecosystem if there is a shift in biodiversity then there will also be a shift in the ecosystem which will in turn affect human life

Why is biodiversity in nature is important?

biodiversity increases ecosystem productivity with all the species in that ecosystem , no matter their size,have a big role. A diverse ecosystem can prevent and recover from lots of disasters.

Define biodiversity and describe threats to biodiversity.?

Biodiversity is the assortment of species in an ecosystem(find threats for biodiversity)