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Q: Why is birds endothermic vertebrate?
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Is a skunk an endothermic vertebrate?

Yes. A skunk is an endothermic vertebrate, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic vertebrates. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded. Vertebrate means it has a backbone.

Is a whale an endotherm or exotherm?

Yes. A dolphin is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

What is the definition of the word bird?

Birds (class Aves) are winged, bipedal, endothermic (warm-blooded), vertebrate animals that lay eggs.

What is an endothermic vertebrate a Garter Snake or Leopard Frog or Shark Dolphin?

A Shark Dolphin is an endothermic vertebrate as it is a warm blooded mammal.

What ia a bird amphibian or reptile?

Neither, "Birds are winged, bipedal, endothermic (warm-blooded), egg-laying, vertebrate animals." (Wikipedia)

Are birds ectothermic or endothermic?

Birds are endothermic. Reptiles are ectothermic and are referred to as "cold-blooded."

What are some examples of endothermic birds?

All of them are endothermic.

What chordate groups are endothermic?

birds and mammals are endothermic chordates

Is a sparrow an invertebrate or vertebrate?

Vertebrate...... it has a back bone therefore, is considered a vertebrate.

Is a peacock a endothermic?

Both the peacock and the peahen are endothermic, able to regulate their own body temperature. They are birds, and birds and mammals are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the correct name for an animal that is warm-blooded.

Are birds endotherms?

Yes birds are endothermic as are mammals

Are flamingos vertebrate or invertebrate?

vertebrate, they are birds through much discovery, they are vertebrate.