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Q: Why is bounty better than brawny?
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What are 3 types of paper towels?

Scott brawny bounty

What is the best kind of paper towels?

I would go with Brawny. Some people may go with Bounty. Bounty is a ship. Brawny is a lumber jack. Brawny would chop that ship to bits.

Does bounty brawny or Scott paper towels aborb the most water?


What is a list of paper towels?

Sparkle. Bounty. Viva. Brawny.

Does Brawny paper towels offer the best performance for the best price?

Brawny absorbs more liquid. I know this beause i did a project on these 2 products. My results were Bounty 1. 1/2 cups of water 2. 1/3 cups of water. Brawny 1. 2/3 cups of water 2. alittle less than 2/3 cups of water

Which soaks up more liquid bounty or brawny?

I think bounty soaks up more liquid

Which paper towel absorbs water the fastest brawny or off brand?

bounty store brand off brand brawny

What are four brands of paper towels?

Bounty, Viva, Sparkle, and Brawny

What are the types of paper towel?

brawny, bounty, scott, viva sparkle

Which paper towel is stronger bounty paper towels or brawny paper towels and why?

bounty. it holds more water.

What are the different types of paper towels?

brawny, bounty, scott, viva sparkle

Which paer towel brand is stronger bounty vs brawny?

bounty is stronger because it gets up more messes and spils.