

Why is buddaism important?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: Why is buddaism important?
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What is buddaism god?

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What are the differences between theravda buddaism and mahayan buddaism?

Theravada- "teachings of the elders" (followed original teachings). elief in god arent as important as becoming enlightened yourself. Mahayana- "Great vehicle" where those who become enlightened must help others. This branch embraced popular new features

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there are currenlty over a billion followers of Hinduism. While & % of world's population is following Buddhism.

In Which country did buddaism start?

I am assuming you mean Buddhism. Well everyone knows that Buddha originated from India and attained spiritual excellence at Buddh Gaya under a holy tree. Check out wikipedia for detailed history.from the old gods!

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There is no single sign for Buddhism in the way that CHristianity has a cross. Common symbols and their meaning include these eight:Lotus flower: Purity and enlightenment.Endless knot (the Mandala): Harmony.Two Golden Fish: Conjugal happiness and freedom.Victory Banner: Victorious battle.Wheel of Dharma: Knowledge.Treasure Vase: Inexhaustible treasure and wealth.Parasol: Protection from the elements.Conch Shell: The thoughts of the Buddha.

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