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Burning biomass is considered better than burning oil or coal because biomass is a renewable energy source that can be produced sustainably, whereas oil and coal are fossil fuels that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Additionally, burning biomass can help reduce waste by using organic materials that would otherwise be disposed of in landfills.

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Q: Why is burning biomass better than burning oil or coal?
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Why is biomass a better alternative to coal?

Biomass can be regrown quickly, making it a good alternative to coal.

Why is biomass better than coal?

Biomass is considered better than coal because it is renewable and emits less carbon dioxide when burned. Biomass can also be sourced locally, reducing transportation emissions, and it can be a more sustainable option in terms of resource management.

Why is use of biomass better than coal?

Biomass is considered better than coal because it is renewable, meaning it can be replenished relatively quickly. Biomass also produces lower emissions of greenhouse gases when burned compared to coal, making it a cleaner source of energy. Additionally, biomass can be locally sourced, reducing transportation emissions and supporting local economies.

Why is biomass a better alternative than coal?

The main advantage of biomass over coal is that it is "carbon neutral". This means that in order for the biomass to be created, it consumed carbon dioxide from the environment. Upon burning biomass, no additional carbon is added to our atmosphere. Coal, on the other hand, is taking carbon out of the earth and adding more to our atmosphere.

Is burning oil better than coal?

Burning oil produces fewer emissions and pollutants compared to coal, making it slightly better for the environment in terms of air quality. However, both oil and coal are fossil fuels that contribute to climate change, so transitioning to renewable energy sources is the most sustainable option.

How is water power better than coal power?

Hydroelectricity emits far fewer pollutants (including carbon dioxide) than burning coal.

How much more electricity does biomass energy generate than coal?

I am pretty sure that LESS electricity is generated with biomass, meaning that its use is not as common as coal.

Why coke is better than coal?

Coke is better than coal for certain industrial processes and applications because it is a purer form of carbon with higher heat output and lower impurities. This makes coke more efficient and cleaner burning than coal, making it preferable for use in iron and steel production.

Is biomass better than nuclear?

YES......For obvious reasons=biomass is renewable!=

How will biomass solve local and global problems?

Burning biomass (plant, vegetable matter and wood scraps) is a way of generating electricity that does not contribute to global warming. It could replace some fossil fuel burning power plants and lead to a reduction in global warming.Burning biomass does add carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere, but it is CO2 that was recently taken out of the atmosphere (when the plants were growing) so this is not extra CO2. Burning biomass then is part of the natural carbon cycle which moves CO2 in and out of the atmosphere.The carbon dioxide that comes from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) was taken out of the atmosphere millions of years ago, so releasing it now is adding extra CO2 (and causing global warming).This is why biomass is renewable energy and better than fossil fuels.

Give one advantage of coal rather than biomass as a fuel?

One advantage of coal over biomass as a fuel is its higher energy density. Coal contains more energy per unit of weight or volume compared to biomass, making it more efficient for generating electricity or heat.

Why does the carbon dioxide released by burning biomass not result in global warming?

When biomass burns, it releases carbon dioxide that was previously stored in plants during photosynthesis. The carbon in the biomass is part of the natural carbon cycle, so burning it does not add new carbon to the atmosphere like burning fossil fuels. Additionally, as new biomass grows, it absorbs carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, creating a cycle that does not contribute to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.