

Why is c string defined as an array?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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8y ago

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Every programming language treats strings as arrays. A C string is defined as being a null-terminated array of characters. A C string that does not have a null-terminator is just an array of character values, but without a null-terminator the onus is upon the programmer to keep track of the array's length.

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A string in C is stored in a 1 dimension array so an array of strings is simply a two dimension array.

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A std::string is an object that encapsulates an array of type char whereas a C-style string is a primitive array with no members. A std::string is guaranteed to be null-terminated but a C-style string is not.

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In C programming, a string doesn't have a specific return type as it's essentially an array of characters. So, if a function is returning a string, it should be declared to return a pointer to a char (char*), since a string in C is represented as an array of characters terminated by a null character ('\0').

Application of array in data structure?

That rather depends on the underlying type. For any given type T, an array of type T is user-defined if T is user-defined, otherwise it is built-in. For example: #include<string> // required to use std::string std::string s[42]; // user-defined array int i[42]; // built-in array Here, s is a user-defined array because std::string is a user-defined type, whereas i is a built-in array because int is a built-in type.

Diff between string and array?

String and array are not related to one another so they have many differences. a. A string is used to hold alpha numeric values inside it b. An Array is used to hold multiple values of any primitive data type c. A String has operations like equals, concatenate, substring etc whereas an array does not have them d. You can iterate through an array but we cannot iterate through a string.

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There is no one line of code that can convert an array to a different type. A new String array would have to be created and values individually inserted into the array. Example: //Assume int[] i has been previously defined String[] s = new String[i.length]; for(int i=0; i<s.length; i++) s[i] = ""+i[i];

How do you declare a string array and add elements to it in C plus plus?

You cannot add elements to a fixed array in C or C++. If, however, the array is declared as a pointer to an array, you can add elements by allocating a new array, copying/adding elements as needed, reassigning the new array to the pointer, and deallocating the original array.

How is a string stored in array?

The characters are stored in successive elements of the array with a nul (0) in the element after the last character of the string. Remember the array storing a string in C must be at least one element longer than the longest string to be stored in it to allow space for this nul (0) character.

Can you give an example of array using character variable in c program?

the example of array over charcter variables is char ["string"]

What is the difference between Strings and Arrays in c?

There is no difference. A string is just an array of type char. The only real difference is that we do not need to keep track of the length of a string because strings are null-terminated in C. If a string does not have a null-terminator, then it is just an ordinary array of character values.

What symbol or character determines end of string?

In C programming language, a string is an array of characters which is always terminated by a NULL character: '\0'

How many constructors are there for the string class?

The String class has multiple Constructors. Some of them are: 1. String - new String(String val) 2. Character Array - new String(char[] array) 3. Character Array with index positions - new String(char[] array. int start, int end)