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Because it contains 4 times the amount of carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals) that tobacco contains.

Not true. In fact the latest research shows that cannabis contains protective agents that mitigate the carcinogenic effects of tobacco smoke.

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Q: Why is cannabis bad for people to smoke?
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What types of people use cannabis?

MOST PEOPLE!!!!! 4 out of 5 people ive me in my life smoke cannabis.

How do people take cannabis?

smoke it, eat it, vaporize it.

How is cannabis used?

people (many young adults smoke it) smoke it you can get: giggly, Forgetful, confused, Paranoid, Relaxed and Sleepy that is what cannabis does to you and how you can use it.......

How many people smoke cannabis per year?

10,000,000,000,000 people

Does inhaling cannabis smoke affect you even if you not smoking it yourself?

yes! it is just as bad as secondhand smoking

How many people use cannabis daily?

It is estimated that nearly 700,000 people smoke cannabis each day world wide. And another 50,000 people trying it for the first time.

What potential reason would people take for cannabis?

to relax and chill out. end your bad day with cannabis :)

Why do people smoke or sniff cannabis?

Smoking weed gets you high. Sniffing it does nothing.

Is cannabis a herb?

Sure. Such as when you smoke it, or take it in food or drink. And when vaporized. Cannabis induces peace in most sane people and many insane as well.

Is it ok to smoke cannabis in Georgia?

Smoke it up yo

Does example smoke cannabis?

he has, but not really

Do chickens smoke cannabis?
