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Cell Division is important for a baby because the child needs to grow and develop.

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Q: Why is cell division important for a baby?
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Why is cell division important as related to the size of cells?

Cell division is important as related to the size of cells. This is because cell division will take a lot longer in larger cells.

What exactly is created from one cell in cell division?

A baby cell with same DNA

Why is it important for scientists to find out more about cell division?

Cell division is essential to life - all forms of reproduction, as well as repair, rely on cell division. Learning about cell division gives a person an understanding of one of the most important processes in biology.

Why is cell division important to single-celled bacteria?

Cell division is the way bacteria multiply.

Why is it important to copy a cell division?

it is important to dna and nuclotides

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Because the grouping of cells are very important in determining cell division. It plays an important role in bacteria formation.

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Mitotic cell division is important to the growth of a kitten.

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It's important because that's how they reproduce.

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Cell division of course baby ;)

What kind of cell division when the cell is not dividing?

:Mitosis is the cell division which did not divided the cell.: Reduction Division is the cell division which divided the cell into half.

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