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cell motility

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3mo ago

The cytoskeleton and motor proteins are important for processes such as cell movement, intracellular trafficking, and cell division. They provide structural support, generate mechanical forces, and facilitate transportation of organelles and molecules within the cell.

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11y ago

Cell division

Protein synthesis

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Q: The cytoskeleton and motor proteins are important for which of the following processes?
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Is a cytoskeleton a protein?

Cytoskeleton is made up of protein.There are many proteins.

What are the two important processes carried out by proteins?

The two important processes carried out by proteins are growth, repair, digestion, respiration, and the transmissions of nerve impluses.

How are cytoskeleton proteins made?

Proteins are made in the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum.

Motor proteins interact with what types of cellular structures?

Motor proteins interact with cellular structures such as microtubules and actin filaments. They utilize the energy generated by ATP hydrolysis to move along these structures and carry out various cellular processes, including intracellular transport and cell division.

What is the web of proteins in the cytoplasm known as?

Cytoskeleton -Kylie!! (:

What is a web of proteins. in the cytoplasm. of some cells?


What is a web of proteins in the cytoplasm is known as?

Cytoskeleton -Kylie!! (:

What gives the animal cell's shape and strength?

The cytoskeleton, made up of proteins like actin and microtubules, gives animal cells their shape and strength. These structures provide support and help maintain the cell's overall structure during various cellular processes.

What is a network of proteins that supports and gives shape to cells?


What is part of the cytoskeleton that is made from proteins and is hollow tubules?

Cytoskeleton is completely made up of proteins.Micro tubules are hollow protein structures.

What is A web of proteins in the cytoplasm of plamt and animal cells is known as the?

It is the cytoskeleton.

What is the main component of the cytoskeleton?

The main component of the cytoskeleton is actin, a protein that forms filaments that provide structural support and enable cell movement.