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Rainwater is naturally slightly acidic. The acid in rainwater reacts chemically with the calcium carbonate of limestone, dissolving it. The result is chemically weathered limestone, karst terrains, and cave structures.

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Q: Why is chemical weathering common in places where there are large amounts of limestone and water?
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What most common cause of chemical weathering?

The most common cause of chemical weathering is oxygen

What is most common cause of chemical weathering?

The most common cause of chemical weathering is oxygen

What is acid weathering?

Acid does indeed cause weathering. It is a common form of chemical weathering, and is sometimes influenced by humans. It is particularly devastating to basic rocks like limestone which neutralise the acid rain, but at the expense of its own volume, as after the neutralisation, the salt is often washed away and the limestone is consequently worn away.

Climate of chemical weathering?

Chemical weathering is most common in warm and wet climate.

What isThe most abundant chemical Sedimentary rock?

The most common chemical sedimentary rock is limestone.

Where is chemical weathering most common?

The primary agent of chemical weathering is water.

What is the most common type of chemical weathering?


What do mechanical and chemical weathering have in common?

What mechanical and chemical weathering have in common is they both break rocks down into smaller and smaller pieces. Eventually the weathered rock will be eroded.

What does chemical weathering do?

Chemical weathering is acid rain. If it rains onto carbonate rocks e.g. limestone, they undergo a chemical reaction. This breaks down the rock.Biological weathering is animals and plants. Rabbits burrow under rocks which weakens them. Tree roots grow through rocks and weaken them. Weak rock breaks up easily.Hope this helps x

Can a rock be dissolved?

Naturally speaking, the rate at which limestone dissolves depends on the amount of rainfall and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the water. Chemical weathering is the process that breaks down rock through chemical changes. The most common agents of chemical weathering include water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and living organisms. Chemical weathering creates holes or soft spots in rock, so the rock breaks apart more easily. Chemical and mechanical weathering often goes hand in hand; mechanical weathering breaks rock into pieces, exposing more surface area to chemical weathering. It someone wants to dissolve a rock manually, Hydrofluoric acid is the answer.

Does limestone rocks dissolve easily?

Limestone is chemically reactive with acids, and due to naturally acidic rain and acids picked up from the soil in groundwater, it is more susceptible than other common rocks to chemical weathering

What is the most common end product of chemical weathering of quartz is?
