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Because Chlorophyll 680 is Chlorophyll a's most sufficient wave length

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Q: Why is chlorophyll a also called chlorophyll 680?
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What color wavelengths of light do chlorophyll appear to look like?

It depends upon the type of chlorophyll. Chorophyll a absorbs light at 680 and 700 nm.

Which pigments are present in smallest amounts in the leaf?

there is a green pigment called chlorophyll and there are also two type of accesory pigment called carotenoids and third class accesory pigment called anthocyanins and we can also say that stomata is pigment

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What is the name of the green pigment in a leaf?

The green pigment present in the leaf cell of a plant is called 'chlorophyll'.

What organisms contain chlorophyll?

Some bacteria, but not all bacteria, have chlorophyll.

What is the green pigment in plant called?

The green pigment in plants are called chlorophyll.

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What is the green substances in plant called?

IT is called "Chlorophyll" and is found in the "Chloroplasts".

The green pigment in the chloroplasts is called what?

The green pigment in the chloroplast is called chlorophyll.

What wavelength of light does chlorophyll a reflect?

There are 2 different types of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll "a" absorbs light in the violet and red regions of the visible spectrum while chlorophyll "b" absorbs light in the blue and red regions of the visible spectrum.

What organisms have chlorophyll?

Plants have chlorophyll. Anything that does photosynthesis.

What type of chlorophyll does the reaction center contain?

The reaction center contains special chlorophyll called Chlorophyll a.