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Q: Why is cloning of mammals controversial?
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Is human cloning the same as animal cloning?

Human cloning is very controversial in the world, some people think it is wrong. Animal cloning is less controversial, but like animal testing of shampoos etc., some people are against it.

Why is cloning a controversial issue?

yes Im normal

How is the cloning of genes different from the cloning mammals?

The difference between cloning genes and cloning a mammal is that when a gene is cloned, it is typically removed from a DNA sequence and inserted into an organism. The cloning of a mammal, however, is when a somatic cells from the mammal are cloned to produce a "copy" of the mammal.

What prevents scientists from cloning humans despite the fact that other mammals such as sheep have been cloned?

there are many ethical problems involved in cloning humans

What are some potential dangers of cloning extinct mammals such as the mammoth?

The cloning of life remains a deeply controversial and vexing issue due to the ethical implications the technology creates. In reference to literally resurrecting extinct species this creates the introduction of new and alien organisms into a biosphere. Other dangers include the humane treatment as cloning cannot assure the organism may suffer through its creation or if their offspring will be viable and healthy.

What are some of the potential dangers of cloning extinct mammals?

Read "Jurrassic Park" by Michale Crichton. There's your answer

The name Dolly has come to be associated with what controversial new branch of science?

The scientific activity is cloning. Ian Wilmut and his coworkers in Scotland named the sheep born in their clone tests "Dolly". She was the first successfully cloned mammal, in 1996.

Is cloning human being possible?

It hasn't been achieved so far, but since other mammals have been cloned, it doesn't seem impossible. There are currently more ethical and legal problems, than technical problems (cloning is already illegal in some countries).

What is the order of Wilmut's technique of cloning mammals?

The correct order of Wilmut's technique of cloning mammals is: 1.) An egg cell is taken from the adult. 2.) The nucleus of the egg cell is then removed. 3.) The nucleus of an adult cell from the animal to be cloned is then put into the egg cell. 4.) Then the normal cell division begins. 5.) The embryo is then put into the uterus of a foster mother or surrogate mother. 6.) The cloned offspring is born.

What are the good christian values on cloning?

A good Christians view on cloning is no. No cloning.

What are the types of cloning?

In general, sticky end cloning and blunt end cloning

What is theraputic cloning?

therapeutic cloning