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Q: Why is continental polar air not welcome to the central plains in the winter?
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What is the wheather like in the winter in the plains of west central of north America?

cold and snowy

What is the weather in the north central plains?

Climate in the north central region can be extreme. In the winter it's cold, but in the summer it can be the hottest area in Texas

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The central Plains is hot, windy, and dry in the summer, but heavy snow in the winter months.

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What is the main climate of central Russia?

Central Russia's climate is a humid continental climate. The interior is drier than the coastal areas. Russia typically experiences only winter and summer.

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American white pelicans are huge graceful birds. They leave the north central plains in the fall and migrate to both the Pacific and Atlantic sides of Mexico to spend the winter.

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A marine climate will generally be cooler in summer and milder in winter and a continental climate will be hotter in summer and colder in winter.

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It freezes in winter to -3 degrees

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In the winter

What type of wheat grew successfully in the great plains?

Hard winter wheat was grown successfully in the great plains. :)

Where is the most wheat produced in the U.S.?

Although wheat is grown in virtually every state, the focal point of the industry is in the central and southern Great Plains Region where Hard Red Winter Wheat is produced.

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central Africa