

Why is copper nonrenewable?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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15y ago

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It can't be grown or produced synthetically.

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Q: Why is copper nonrenewable?
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Is copper renewable or nonrenewable?

Copper is nonrenewable because once its gone you can't make it again

Copper ore peteoleum and diamonds are all?

Copper ore petroleum and diamonds are all nonrenewable resources.

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Is copper a renewable or nonrenewable resourse?

It is a non-renewable resource. It is a metal that is mined from the earth and the worlds deposits of copper are limited.

What are the nonrenewable resources in South Africa?

Chrome, Diamonds, copper and fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

Is copper a renewable or non-renewable resource?

Copper is a non-renewable resource.A renewable resource is like solar power, which keeps on coming no matter how much we use it. Copper is mined out of the earth. When it is all finished there will be no more. That is why recycling copper is so important.

What natural resources can be found in the southwest?

Sand... and that's all I can think of. c:

Is bauxite renewable or nonrenewable?

== == It is nonrenewable. ---- ----

What is a nonrenewable resource of the southwest region of US?

Some of the natural resources in the SouthWest are, copper, borax, lead, gold, silver, lumber, uranium(a silery-white metalic elemant) and oil.

What are some Q and A about non renewable and renewable resources?

What are nonrenewable resources? Nonrenewable resources are natural resources that cannot be replenished within a short timeframe due to their limited quantity, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. What are renewable resources? Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished naturally over time, such as sunlight, wind, and biomass, making them sustainable for long-term use. Why are nonrenewable resources considered unsustainable? Nonrenewable resources are finite in quantity and take millions of years to form, making them unsustainable for continued use at the current rate of consumption, leading to concerns of depletion and environmental damage. How do renewable resources differ from nonrenewable resources in terms of environmental impact? Renewable resources generally have lower environmental impact compared to nonrenewable resources, as they produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions and have minimal pollution during extraction, production, and consumption.

Why is copper considered a nonrenewable resource?

Copper is considered a non-renewable resource because there is only a limited supply of it on Earth, like any other thing would be. Once it runs out, it is gone for good.

Which is a nonrewable resource?

include natural gas, coal, and oil. Other nonrenewable resources include metals such as gold, silver, copper, iron, and aluminum.