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It means you either have a vaginal infection or you have a sexually transmitted disease. Either way, it is highly recommended to go see a doctor.

AnswerIt means that you most likely have a yeast infection. Use a 3 day cream to treat it. Do not have sex until it clears up.
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Q: Why is cottage cheese looking discharge?
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When your pregnant can you have white pasty discharge?

during pregnancy is it normal to have white pasty discharge cottage cheese looking especially during sexual intercourse

A thick discharge that is not smelly from vagina?

possable yeast infection.. not all yeast infections smell. it can just be thick discharge (sort of like cottage cheese looking)

Is the green discharge dark or light?

its a light green discharge. kind of like cottage cheese.

How can this white cottage discharge be treated?

White cottage-cheese like discharge is a symptom of a yeast infection. If you suspect a vaginal infection go to your doctors for tests and treatment.

What is trichanonisis?

sexually transmitted, Flagyl is the antibiotic which treats it. You will have a white, cottage cheese like discharge if you have it.

What is the white from a yeast infection?

The white is just your discharge. During a yeast infection an overgrowth of yeast (which is a fungus) changes your discharge to a thick white cottage-cheese type discharge.

Which cheese grows fastest yellow cheese or cottage cheese?

cottage man!

Does cottage cheese constipate you?

No, cottage cheese is protein and dairy

What is dry cottage cheese?

Cottage cheese with dried milk and dairy. Although my answer is not the most specific, it is the basics on what dried and/or curd cottage cheese is.

What is the price of cottage cheese perogies?

It depends on the store that you are buying the half pound of cottage cheese from.....

Is cottage cheese a solid or a liquid?

Cottage cheese is a solid, sometimes as a paste.

What do you call cottage cheese in Telugu?

paneer is cottage cheese,junnu is cheese..