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A trapped layer of air.

Air is a poor conductor of heat. If you can keep a static (non moving) laver of air next to your skin then that layer of air will keep you at a more comfortable temperature. To keep warm natural fibers/fibres like wool trap air next to the body. Now many synthetic fibers do the same. That means the body warms that layer of air that is trapped and the body stays at a comfortable temperature even if it is cold outside. We are always colder in wind that stops us from holding that trapped layer of air close to our skin. We button up or zip up our jacket trying to keep our air layer intact.
The reverse is also true. Wearing loose cotton clothing in extremely hot weather means that the trapped layer of air stops you from feeling the full strength of the outside heat. Usually in hot weather we like a breeze to blow away the air near our body and evaporate the perspiration on our skin. The evaporated water carries away heat from our skin.

Cotton is a natural fiber that will trap air next to your skin and keep your feet warm.

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