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Its not impossible. Many animals such as the earthworm and frog do it.

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Q: Why is cutaneous respiration impossible?
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Which type of respiration is the most effective in frog?

Cutaneous respiration.

What is cutaneous respiration of frog?

Respiration of animals in the Phylum Vertebrata, Class Amphibia, including classes such as urodela, anurans, & apodans. It involves respiration through the skin.

What is cutaneous respiration in frogs?

A frog is an amphibian, but adult frogs do not have gills. They absorb oxygen from the water through their skins, using special blood vessels. If the oxygen level in water is too low, frogs will move around to increase the water flow across the skin. Some frogs have creased skins that can increase their surface area. (see related question)

What are the different types of respiration used by amphibians throughout their life cycles?

amphibians use several different methods of respiration depending on their species and age. 1. cutaneous respiration 2. buccopharyngeal respiration 3. pulmonary respiration 4. gill respiration

Does dolphins depend on cutaneous respiration?

NO!!! Dolphins have lungs as do all mammals and cannot breathe through their skin. Yhey are obligate lung breathers.

What is the dry membrane with keratinizing epithelium?

Cutaneous Membrane

What is glandular skin in a frog?

glandular skin has many glands Amphibians have a smooth, glandular skin, but they have adaptations for cutaneous respiration, requiring the skin to be kept moist

Specialized nerve endings that respond to temperature touch etc?


What is cutaneous pathology?

Cutaneous pathology is pathology of the skin, also known as dermatopathology.

Does a frog have gills to breath underwater and lungs to breath on land?

Frogs have cutaneous type of respiration i.e respiration through skin.Some species have lungs,but very rare in occurence.To know practically,take a frog and cover it completely by a blotting paper.After some time the frog dies

What are cutaneous glands?

similar to sensory receptors in the body, they recognize a change in stimulus

Where is cutaneous tissue found?

Cutaneous tissue is also called dermal tissue and is the skin