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Q: Why is dark skin an advantage in a hot climate?
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no its good for cold climate for hot climates clear roofs will be a good use

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In hot desert we will get more vitamin D and this type of climate helps some fauna to live.

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If dark clothes are hotter why do people from hot countries have dark skin?

What was the Inca skin color?

The Incas looked like Indians, so they had dark skin, because their surroundings were hot ans sunny.

What will happen when using melacare forte and then exposed to hot humid weather?

Your skin will become dark, darker, darkest and more dark, more darker, most darker, wastage of skin, irritating. Totally your skin will be exploited and no one in the world can cure it.

What is Jesus skin color?

Probably a dark tan color from being continually exposed to the hot sun of Israel combined with His natural olive skin tone.

Is the Sahara climate hot and wet?

No, the Sahara has a hot and dry climate.

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because they live in hot climate

What is the climate in Guadalajara Mexico in spring?

the climate would be hot but not to hot

Why are aborigines black?

First of all, your question seems to be presuppose that humanity in its "normal" state has some non-black skin color and that blackness is a deviation from the norm, demanding an explanation. However, Aboriginals have dark skin for the same reason Europeans have light skin, North Africans have medium skin, and Sub-Saharan Africans have dark skin: adaptation to to climate. Natural selection has tended to favor dark-skinned individuals in tropical regions. Obviously southern Australia is far from the Tropics, but this, one can guess, indicates that Aboriginals "became" black at some point in their history whilst living in a hot sunny climate in Australia or elsewhere (i.e. Africa). Some people think they somehow came from Africa and most of the natives peoples in Africa are black, so that could be a contributing factor.

What is Australia's desert climate?

All the deserts of Australia have a hot subtropical desert climate.

What is a hot climate?

A tropical climate