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Because it is an internally consistent explanation of a mechanism of evolution that is supported by many lines of converging evidence, that has been repeatedly tested and is capable of making testable predictions.

Pretty much the scientific definition of theory.

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Q: Why is darwin's idea of evolution considered a theory?
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Charles Darwin is the one usually associated with the theory of evolution, although that is a bit of a simplification. The basics of the idea had been tossed around by others before, and during Darwins work with it.

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He is considered by many to be the father of the Theory of Evolution, though his uncle and Lamark had the genesis of that idea.

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No. Darwin had no idea of what a gene was and did not even know that inheritance is particulate. He held with a " blending " idea called panspermia that was totally incorrect. Mendel, by mathematical analysis, found that heritability was based on the particulate " factor. " Today we call these " factors " genes.

Do Christians not believe in the theory of evolution?

They do not belive in the theory of evolution beacuse it contradicts the bible's idea that the human race was created in 6 days.

Who was presented the theory of evolution?

While others presented the basis of the idea, Charles Darwin presented The Theory of Evolution as it is understood today. His book, The Theory of Evolution is generally credited as the beginning of the movement.

How is the idea of evolution a threat to scientific progress?

The idea of evolution is that evolution is a fact and the theory of evolution by natural selection explains much about the fact of evolution. Your question is ill posed. A more modern phrase would say your question is malformed. How could the fact of evolution be a threat to anything? How could the theory that is the backbone of biology not be one of the greatest progressions in science? Much confusion between fact and theory. Theory explains fact and encompasses fact and is a higher scientific concept than fact.

Who proposed the idea of the theory of evolution?

The idea of evolution was thought of long before Darwin, by a man named Count Buffon. What Charles Darwin did was to successfully come up with the mechanism of evolution, known as natural selection.

What theory promotes the idea that ''only the strongest living organisms that can adapt to its surroundings'' survive?

The Theory of Evolution promotes the idea that the strongest living organisms adapt to their surroundings and survive.