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Democraticcountry's are the result of wealth slowly making its way to the general public. This and the economic system that came as the result of the industrial revolution led to a system of education and knowledge where first the nobility and then the religious institutions were striped of their power. Most of the country's in the world that are not democracy's don't even understand what the term entails, they are ruled by corrupt religious and military centers of self interest that depend on the metaphysical reasoning of religion and or the reasoning of simple brute force. It will still take some time before these tenets become a thing of the past. The short answer is, They were not lucky enough to have gone through the industrial revolution without the hind sight of history.

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13y ago
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19h ago

Direct democracy is not commonly used on a large scale today because of logistical challenges involved in facilitating the participation of all citizens in decision-making processes. As societies grew and became more complex, representative democracies emerged as a practical way to ensure governance while still incorporating citizen input through elected officials. Representative democracies are more efficient for large populations and allow for expertise in complex issues.

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12y ago

It is not practical in large countries to have the people vote on every piece of legislation. Imagine the cost!!! Possible anarchy??? Imagine the time consumed, and the lobbyists chasing the average citizen around. Therefore a representative republic is more realistic for anything larger than a city-state.

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12y ago

A direct democracy gives every citizen one vote, which is directly counted to elect the official. This worked very well in Athens, and other ancient civilizations, but now most countries have too many people to directly count a vote from every person. Instead, each state counts their own votes, and an electoral college votes based on the majority vote in their state.

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12y ago

Direct democracy was not often used before, so it is difficult to claim it is not used anymore.

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11y ago

Direct democracy is a form of government in which people collectively make decisions for themselves, rather than having their political affairs decided by representatives.

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10y ago

It would not be possible to consult each citizen on every single question regarding government.

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There are no countries that currently function on direct democracy for all issues. However, the idea of direct democracy is used in local refferenda (in places as diverse as California and Switzerland).

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You may be wondering exactly what Direct Democracy is and how it works. Direct Democracy is a form of government that is said to be by the people, but also for the people. It is a type of government that the people will make the decisions for themselves rather than to have the decisions made by representatives. Another term used to describe Direct Democracy is pure democracy or "true" democracy.

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A direct democracy is where the citizens meet regularly in assembly and make the decisions, which are implemented by a council. Many of the Greek city-states adopted it.

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This is a Democracy. It is what form of government that used in the United States of America. It's a style of government that is characterized by direct involvement of the people.