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Q: Why is each event important in hajj?
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What major Islamic event takes place in Mecca each year?

The Hajj pilgrimage.

What major Islamic event that takes place in Mecca each year?

The major Islamic event that takes place in Mecca every year is pilgrimage (or Hajj).

What is the state of mind of a Muslim during hajj?

Hajj is a very important event in the life of a Muslim. It is now quite expensive and as such a lot of Muslims cannot afford to go for Hajj.. The state of mind is focused to go there and complete the rituals, ask for forgiveness and hope that the Hajj has been done properly and gets accepted by the Almighty Allah, and for a safe journey home.

Why is mecca important to southwest Asia?

Mecca is the holy place for muslims. They go there each year for a pilgrimage called hajj.

Why should you perform hajj?

Performing Hajj is obligatory once in lifetime on each Muslim.

Why complete the hajj?

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. It is obligatory on each Muslim man and woman if they can afford.

What is the Day of Arafa?

Ninth day of Zulhajh ( Month of Hajj ) is called day of Arfa . It is prime day of Hajj ,the most important work is Waqoof e Arfa means stay at Arfa . It also marks the most important day of the Pilgrimage or Hajj for the millions of Muslims who make the trip to Mecca each year. This day, directly before Eid al-Adha,

Why should Muslims do hajj?

The Muslims perform Hajj because it is obligatory on each Muslim man and woman to perform Hajj once in lifetime provided he/she can afford.

Why you perform hajj?

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. It is obligatory on each Muslim man and women once in lifetime.

How important is it for Muslims to go on the hajj?

Out of the Five basic and compulsory pillars of Islam, one is Hajj. Hajj is compulsory for every ABLE (capable) Muslim. A true Muslim must go for Hajj once in a life-time (if he is economically and physically sound).

Why is Hajj the least important pillar?

The Hajj need not be followed if you have insufficient means to perform it. As a result, unlike the other four pillars, it can be abrogated and is, therefore, less important.

Why do pilgrims go on hajj?

don't say why say why not!! They perform Hajj because it is the fifth pillar of Islam. It is obligatory on each Muslim to perform Hajj once in life time.