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Because a galaxy contains not only stars, but planets, asteroids, comets and other stellar material.

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Q: Why is earth considered part of the milky way galaxy yet it is not a star?
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Which galaxy does earth belong to?

Earth is part of the Sol Constellation which belongs to the Milky Way Galaxy.

Is Earth a part of the Milky Way Galaxy?


What planets are part of the milky way galaxy?


How long will take to travel from earth to milky-way?

the earth is part of the milky way galaxy if that was your question.

Where is planet earth in the milky way galaxy?

our galaxy contains between 200- to 400-billion stars arranged in a giant disc shape. The diameter is 100,000 light years with an average thickness of 10,000 light years. The Earth is located about 28,000 light years from the center of the Milky Way.

Why do the sun and earth belong to the milky way?

basically the milky way is a galaxy and our solar system(earth, sun, mars, etc.) is part of that galaxy.

What is the temperature of Milky Way?

The Milky Way is a large galaxy. It has varying temperatures all through the galaxy. Earth is part of the Milky Way. Consider all the different temperatures on Earth.

Is the earth part of the milky way?

Yes. Earth is a planet going round the Sun. The Sun is one of some 200 billion stars which form the galaxy known as the Milky Way.

What galaxy is Earh a part of?

The Earth resides in the system Sol, which resides in the Milky Way galaxy.

Earth's galaxy is milky way which is part of a galaxy cluster named what?

The Virgo Super Cluster

Which plabent do we live?

We live on planet Earth. Earth is a part of the Milky Way galaxy.

How do you see galaxies from earth?

use a teloscope, or look overhead at the milky way. You are part of the galaxy use a teloscope, or look overhead at the milky way. You are part of the galaxy