

Why is earth so perfect?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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I assume you mean "why is it perfect for supporting life?" There are two answers. The scientific answer is that the Earth just happens to be the right size, have the right combination of elements, and be the perfect distance from its star (Sol, the Sun) to allow it to have the liquid water, breathable atmosphere and moderate temperatures necessary for life as we know it. Other planets in our solar system are either too near or too far from the Sun (and so are too hot or too cold to support life). Some also lack the right combination of elements or are too dense (too high gravity). There may very well be (and probably are many) other planets in other star systems that are also just the right size, have the right elements, and are the right distance from their stars to support life. The religious answer is that God specifically designed the Earth to support the life he created on it. One can accept either of these answers, or both of them, depending upon one's personal beliefs.

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