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Given the immense number of planets in the Universe it would be unsupportable to state that "only the Earth" can support human life. In this solar system no other planet has surface conditions which would allow exposed humans to live. This does not preclude humans living in contained communities or in a terraformed environment.

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Humans have evolved and adapted for the conditions present on Earth. All of the other planets in the solar system are either too hot or too cold, and lack oxygen gas and liquid water. Four of the planets don't even have surfaces.

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Q: Why is earth the only planet humans can live on?
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Why can humans only live on Earth?

It is the only planet with the recourses necessary for us to survive.

Why earth still the best to live on?

Because earth is the only planet that has oxygen, and earth has the most water on it, which are both necessary for humans to live.

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Earth is the ONLY planet suitable for humans.

Do humans live on earth?

Yes. The human species is only known to live on Terra (Earth). Sometime in the future humankind may choose to live on a different planet, but so far we have not found another Earth-like planet that we could successfully live on.

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earth is the first planet humans have visited and the only one

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No, the Earth is the only planet with Humans.

Which planet would be the best planet to live on?

So far the answer is Earth... But we are still looking around...

Can humans only live on earth?

No, it is not for only humans. It existed long before humans appeared and will exist long after we are gone; in that time, it has, is and will support hundreds of millions of other types of organism.

How many planets have people walk on?

Only the Planet Earth have humans walked on.

What do you mean by earth?

Earth is where we live on. Where humans live on. Also animals can live on it too. Earth is the only planet in our solar system which has air and land. well that's all i can think of without using the Internet. hope you like it. bye.

Why do you think the planet earth is the best planet to live in give me a choices?

Because it is simply.. The only planet to live on.

What are all the planets people had walked on?

The only planet walked on by people (humans) is the Earth. The only other astronomic body that humans have walked on , is our natural satellite the Moon.