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Jasper was the latest member of the Cullen family to adopt their 'vegetarian' lifestyle. It was very hard for him to smell human blood and resist.

That's only half of the reason Jessica describes Jasper as ''the guy who looks like he's in pain''. Jasper is empathetic therefore; Jasper can feel other people's emotion. He's in pain because he can feel everything that others feel. He can also change people's emotions as well.

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13y ago
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12y ago

well. . .he was in a war in his human years??

u r an idiot!!! he didnt almost die!

you have no right calling that person an idiot because you are wrong, he did almost die because carlisle only bites dieing people, so if he wasnt dieing and carlisle is a vegartarian, why would he bite him, think before you insult others. because you will end up looking the 'idiot'. xBethx

he didnt die. i think u mean James...

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13y ago

cause he already knows that he will leave her. And he know that when he leaves it will cause great pain so he is in pain cause he the only one that knows what really comming. So when they kiss he feels guilty and is in pain for decideing to do this to the core of his life.


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14y ago

No. But in New Moon, he tries and is not sucessful thanks to Edward's impecable timing and ability to read minds.

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15y ago

Because, for the first century of his life, he dealt with newborn vampires. They are aout of control most of the time, and he was bitten many times trying to train and control them.

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14y ago

Jasper looks so shy because he is the newest vegetarian in the Cullen family, vegetarian meaning that he does not drink human blood, but drinks animal blood.

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13y ago

No. He is still living in Eclipse. It has been a fact that in the Twilight saga, he will never die.

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Q: Why is edward in pain when he kisses Bella in new moon?
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What will happen in Twilight Eclipse?

Bella has to decide between Jacob and edward. in the end she choose edward. victora has made a new army of newborns(new vampires) since the are much stronger than older vampires the cullens cannot fight them themselves, so this is where the wolves come in the cullens and the wolves make a alliance. in the end victora dies ,yes! edward burns her with a match. the funny part in the movie is where edward and Bella are coming out of the car together and Jacobs just standing there with no shirt on then edward says "doesn't he own any shirts"! another one is Jacob kisses Bella but Bella didn't want to kiss so she punches him, but his doesn't feel anything and Bella is standing there in pain!

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Injects Morphine straight to her heart.

What is the end in new moon novel?

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he didnt bite her at all except in twilight sucking out the venom and yes it hurt she was shaking with pain

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