

Best Answer

Because of Einstein's mass energy equivalence equation e = mc2. This say that

the energy of a mass of one kilogram is equal to about 3x1016 joules. That is a

lot of energy, and it is equal to about 21.5 megatons of TNT equivalent explosive


Note: This equation is not saying that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa.

Mass can neither be created nor destroyed, and the same goes for energy. They can only

be moved to different frames of reference. What this equation is saying is that mass and

energy are the same thing, depending on your perspective.

Also note that energy can indeed be converted into mass and vice versa. Solar energy

is converted to mass by plants and mass is lost when energy is released from any


Another perspective, understanding, and opinion:

-- The famous equation is suggesting that mass and energy can be converted

to each other. The two 'Conservation' laws for mass and energy are actually

a single law ... the Conservation of Mass-Energy.

-- Plants do not convert solar energy into mass. Solar energy drives the processes

wherein water, atmospheric gases, and soil minerals are chemically combined to

form plant mass.

-- The questioner's entire problem is the use of the squishy words "small" and "immense".

The energy derived from a sample of mass is not large, small, minuscule, huge, or immense.

It is exactly [ mc2 ].

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1w ago

This is due to the famous equation E=mc^2, where E represents energy, m represents mass, and c represents the speed of light. The equation shows that a small amount of mass can release a large amount of energy because of the speed of light being squared in the equation, making the energy conversion very efficient.

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Because the strong force that binds the nucleons of the nucleus together is roughly 3 orders of magnitude (1000 times) larger than the electromagnetic force that holds the electrons to the atom. Nuclear energy comes from the strong force, while chemical energy comes from the much weaker electromagnetic force.

I won't bother to quote Einstein's well known units conversion equation between energy and mass as it tells you nothing unless you know the amount of mass being converted and you do the math. When the strong force is involved about 3 orders of magnitude more mass converts to energy as when the electromagnetic force is involved. Its just simple proportionality.

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Q: Why is energy associated with even a small mass is immense?
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Why is the energy associated with even small mass immense?

Because the strong force that binds the nucleons of the nucleus together is roughly 3 orders of magnitude (1000 times) larger than the electromagnetic force that holds the electrons to the atom. Nuclear energy comes from the strong force, while chemical energy comes from the much weaker electromagnetic force.I won't bother to quote Einstein's well known units conversion equation between energy and mass as it tells you nothing unless you know the amount of mass being converted and you do the math. When the strong force is involved about 3 orders of magnitude more mass converts to energy as when the electromagnetic force is involved. Its just simple proportionality.

Why does a small mass have an enormous destructive power in a nuclear explosion?

In a nuclear explosion, a small mass can have enormous destructive power because of the process of nuclear fission, where the nucleus of an atom is split into smaller parts, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of radiation and heat. This process creates a chain reaction that releases more energy exponentially, leading to a massive explosion even from a small amount of fissile material.

Can something small have more thermal energy than something big?

Yes, a small object can have more thermal energy than a larger object if it has a higher temperature. Thermal energy is directly proportional to temperature, so even though the larger object has more mass, the smaller object could have a higher temperature and therefore more thermal energy.

Why are electromagnetic waves associated with radiation?

Electromagnetic waves are associated with radiation because they can transfer energy through a vacuum or a medium without the need for a material medium. When electromagnetic waves interact with matter, they can cause the release of energy in the form of radiation such as light, heat, or radio waves.

What happends to kinetic energy when the velocity increases?

When velocity increases, kinetic energy also increases. Kinetic energy of an object is directly proportional to its velocity squared, so even a small increase in velocity can result in a significant increase in kinetic energy.

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What kind of energy seems to be specifically associated with or could even be the cause of sunspot activity?

The magnetic energy seems to be specifically associated with or could even be the cause of sunspots activity.

Why is the energy with even a small mass so immense?

The four fundamental interactions in physics are gravity, electromagnetism, the strong interaction and the weak interaction. Of these, the strong interaction is by far the strongest, thousands of times as strong as the others. When an atom undergoes fission, it is this energy that is being overcome. It is far more powerful than any chemical reaction.

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This is a really clever questionWe can use hydroelectric energy in rivers oceans etc..But you can't use them at small lakes because there will be no energy or power in it because it is even small.

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This is a really clever questionWe can use hydroelectric energy in rivers oceans etc..But you can't use them at small lakes because there will be no energy or power in it because it is even small.

Why is the energy associated with even small mass immense?

Because the strong force that binds the nucleons of the nucleus together is roughly 3 orders of magnitude (1000 times) larger than the electromagnetic force that holds the electrons to the atom. Nuclear energy comes from the strong force, while chemical energy comes from the much weaker electromagnetic force.I won't bother to quote Einstein's well known units conversion equation between energy and mass as it tells you nothing unless you know the amount of mass being converted and you do the math. When the strong force is involved about 3 orders of magnitude more mass converts to energy as when the electromagnetic force is involved. Its just simple proportionality.

Where is production of hydroelectric energy practical?

This is a really clever questionWe can use hydroelectric energy in rivers oceans etc..But you can't use them at small lakes because there will be no energy or power in it because it is even small.

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Why is weather control is possible or likely in the immediate future?

People do not fully understand how much energy is involved with even small weather fronts. The entire amount of energy to modify any weather front, by even a small amount is huge! The ability to accumulate and refocus this energy is not currently available and probably will not be in the near future.

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Contains small amounts of pyrrolizidine alkaloids which may be toxic to the liver even in small amounts. The long-term use in medicinal preparations is not recommended.

Why cant you move thing with your mind?

It is because, you need energy or have to do work in order to move an object. Even though your brain has immense potential of creating electromagnetic and chemical energy, it is impossible to transfer it. E.M energy can be transferred only if your brain is radioactive or sent to an excitation level ( chemistry buddy :-) ). So you can do it if you are the "RADIUM MAN" or something like that.

Why does a small mass have an enormous destructive power in a nuclear explosion?

In a nuclear explosion, a small mass can have enormous destructive power because of the process of nuclear fission, where the nucleus of an atom is split into smaller parts, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of radiation and heat. This process creates a chain reaction that releases more energy exponentially, leading to a massive explosion even from a small amount of fissile material.