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The identity of the solvent that is used in recrystallization is very important because only if the correct solvent is used, will the product be purified and recrystallized as desired. The product, benzanilide, is soluble in hot ethanol, but not in cold ethanol. Any impurities that are expected to arise from the reaction are not soluble in hot ethanol and soluble in the cold ethanol, and thus it is the perfect solvent for the recrystallization process, as only benzanilide is soluble in it and when it is cooled only benzanilide will crystallize out, while any impurities will be left behind in the solution.

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Q: Why ethanol is used in recrystallization of benzanilide?
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Definitely not methylene chloride and water as these are not miscible solvents.

What are the physical properties of Benzanilide?

One of the physical properties of Benzanilide is that its melting point is 163 Degrees Celsius. Its boiling point is 117 Degrees Celsius. Benzanilide is in the form of white crystals that are like needles.

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