

Why is every moon not the same?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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every moon looks like ice cream

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Q: Why is every moon not the same?
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Does the mooon look the same every week?

The moon is always a sphere but the moon does not look the same every week when observed from Earth. This is because we see sunlight hitting the moon at different angles as it orbits our planet.

Why we are seeing the Moon's same face every month?

The Moon is tidally locked with the Earth, meaning it rotates about its axis at the same rate as it revolves around the Earth. For this reason, the same side of the Moon always faces Earth and the Moon slips away about one inch every year.

Would it be possible to see the moon at the same time for 4 weeks?

No, because every three of four days, the moon's phases changes and sometimes you cannot see the moon every four weeks the same time.

Why can the moon be seen?

The moon is visible for the same reason every object is visible: it reflects light.

Does the moon rise in the same loction every night?


Does the moon rise every night at the same location in the sky?

No, it does not

Why do you see the same side of the moon every day?

The moon rotates in the same direction as its orbit. The rate of rotation is such that the same face is always pointing at the earth.

Why does the moon look like the same in the sky?

Because the moon takes the same time to rotate once on its axis - as it does to go around the earth. Therefore we see the same side of the moon every time.