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A:Evolution of species is the process by which each species developed from earlier species. Some people believe that, because it requires a great many generations and noticeable changes normally take place over periods far longer than the human lifetime, evolution can not be observed directly and can only be imputed indirectly from fossil finds and DNA evidence. However, bacteria have extremely short lifespans and evolution can indeed be observed in them.

The evidence of evolution is clearly seen in numerous fossils and in DNA. Even if not observed in real time, this evidence is regarded as conclusive.

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Why is evolution not a pseudoscience?

Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, is an observed and observable fact. That's why.

Has evolution been observed?

Yes. Evolution is routinely observed in both labs and in nature.

How many evolutionist are there?

All educated people accept evolution and the theory that explains it. " Evolutionist " is a term not used among biologists. Even if there were no " evolutionists " evolution would still be an observed and observable fact and the theory of evolution by natural selection would still be the best explanation for much of the fact of evolution.

What is gradual change in a species over time called?

A gradual change in life-forms over time is organic evolution.

Is evolution a theory or hypothesis?

Evolution is an observed and observable fact. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains many things about evolution. The theory generates testable hypothesis, as any good theory does. Remember, theory is the highest concept in science.

Evolutionists often make the distinction between evolution as a fact and evolutionary theory What does this mean?

Evolution is descent with modification. Or, change over time. And formally as the change in allele frequencies over time in a population of organisms. This is an observed and a observable fact. The theory is; the theory of evolution by natural selection, which explains the fact of evolution. Natural selection is the main mechanism ( there are others ) that drives the adaptive change in organism that can lead to speciation, or just simple evolution.

Why did Charles Darwin started the theiry of evolution?

To explain the species problem, " that mystery of mysteries " which was the natural history problem of the day. From his observations and experiments Darwin proposed his theory of evolution by natural selection, which provided a mechanism for the observed fact of evolution.

Is evolution merely a theory?

"Theory" means something much different in the world of science than it does in everyday use. Evolution is an observed fact. The theory around it is just our current understanding of the specific mechanics of it.

Have humans ever observed evolution happening?

Evolution is routinely observed both in nature and in the lab. Even several speciation "events" are on record.

Why are adaptations evidence of evolution?

Because adaptations are an observed effect of evolution. They could not happen if evolution did not occur.

How does observed evolutionary change support the scientific theory of evolution?

The theory predicts that evolution will happen and in certain ways. The observed evolution makes this prediction correct. It also defines evolution as happening, and as such is perfect evidence in support of it.

What do you think of the theory of evolution?

It does not mater what anyone thinks about the theory of evolution by natural selection. The theory of evolution by natural selection is the best explanation we have for much of the observed and observable fact of evolution. The theory is internally consistent with the fact of evolution, it is supported by myriad lines of converging evidence and it generates testable predictions in the form of scientific hypothesis. The opinion of no one is needed by the theory of evolution by natural selection and educated people have come to accept the theory.