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Aerobic exercise can lower blood pressure, help control weight, and increase HDL ("good") cholesterol. It may keep the blood vessels more flexible. Moderate to intense aerobic exercise lasting about 30 minutes

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so that we can stay healthy and strong and lose weight

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Reusing is important because it practises differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and rural areas and for residential and industrial producers.

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Exercises that include the power muscles, such as the quads and hamstrings, are important for volleyball. Any exercises that stabilize your shoulder are great for reducing the likelihood for developing an injury.

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There are no specific pieces of exercise equipment for reducing belly fat. You will have to consume less calories and exercise in order to lose fat. Equipment that burns the most calories will aid in this. Cardio workouts are useful for helping with this.

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Reducing body fat and abdominal exercise. Reducing body fat is far more important, you can do crunches non-stop, but you'll never see any results if you have a layer of flab over your abdominals.

What care should a patient receive after exercise?

Proper cool down after exercise is important in reducing the occurrence of painful muscle spasms. It has been documented that proper cool down also may decrease frequency and intensity of muscle stiffness the day.

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It can help by reducing your carbon footprint

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Exercise combined with reducing the intake of food helps you to loose weight by burning calories that are consumed. Exercise increases the metabolism and make it so that the body burns more calories than are taken in by food.

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Reducing fat. You can lose weight with or without building muscle, by eating smaller portions and avoiding unhealthy foods. Though of course exercise is always a good idea whether or not it's for adding muscle.

A goal of people in developing countries is?

The goal of people in developing countries is to become an emerging economy by achieving standard health care and reducing mortality rate.