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Because it's a streaming website and when a lot of people use it on the same network, no one else can do anything on that network.

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Q: Why is facebook not allowed at high schools?
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Why isn't facebook allowed in schools?

because of cyber bullying

Is military recuitment still allowed at high schools?

Yes, military recruitment is still allowed in high schools. I went into my old highschool just last week and in the front of the cafeteria were Army, Navy, and Airforce recruiters.

Why is facebook not allowed in schools?

It is too much of a distraction. And can contain bad materials.

Should Facebook be allowed or not?

There are truly no reasons as to why FaceBook should not be allowed.

How come my mom won't let me get a facebook?

Well if she has a Facebook tell her that if you create an account on Facebook she can keep track of you and tell her that you love her and cross your fingers and you might be allowed on. Also tell her that you and your friends may be moving schools, or going to different high schools! How will you keep in touch? Facebook of course!

Can students that have virtual high schools still allowed to play sports at a normal school?

i think so

Should be allowed or not allowed?

There are truly no reasons as to why FaceBook should not be allowed.

Should pray be allowed be in schools?

Definitely praying should be allowed in schools.

Are Muslims allowed to have Facebook?

There are many Muslims who use Facebook.

How can you get on Facebook under 10?

You are not allowed to have a facebook if you are under 13. If you do have a Facebook when your under 13, You can be reported and banned from facebook.

Where is the Facebook for Derwent Modern Secondary School Students leaving in 1947?

There is a facebook group for Derwent Schools in Derby which covers all the schools from Infants to the Senior Schools Warren Elkes

Are you allowed to swear on facebook?

apparently not