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In rotating systems like a flywheel, how the mass is distributed is just as important as total mass. To maximize moment of inertia (the equivalent of inertial mass) you want the mass as far to the outside as possible. A flywheel of uniform thickness has only 60% the moment of inertia compared to one that's all rim.

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Q: Why is fly-wheel's mass mostly concentrated in its rim?
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An industrial flywheel has a greater rotational inertia when most of its mass is?

On the outer rim. Further away from the axis point.

What is moment of inertia and how does it effect on angular speed?

Moment of Inertia is defined as the product of mass and square of distance from its axis of rotation and it is denoted by I. I=mR2 Moment of Inertia depends upon mass from the axis of rotation of wheel rim e.g because the mass of big bicycle lie away from the axis of rotation of wheel rim.So M.O.I of big bicycle is Small than small Bicycle.

What part is thicker than the other in a convex lens?

In a convex lens, the middle is thicker than the outer rim. In a concave lens, the outside rim is thicker.

What is the outside part on a wheel?

The outside of a wheel is the rim.

What does moments mean in science?

A "moment" is a measure of how far a physical variable acts from some axis, R. For example; a water wheel is placed in a river so the force of the moving water hits the blades on the rim of the wheel and rotates it about its axis. The water force F acts near the rim . The moment of force is the force F multiplied by its distance from the axis R; Moment of force = FR. This is given the name "torque". When something of mass M moves in a circle with velocity v its momentum is P = Mv and its moment of momentum is PR = MvR. This is given the name "angular momentum". Now if you multiply the mass times R you would logically call MR the moment of mass. But MR doesn't have any particular use in science so its seldom ever calculated. On the other hand the moment of the moment (called the second moment) of mass; MRR or MR^2 is a useful calculation and it is called "moment of inertia".

Related questions

Why is most of the mass concentrated at the rim in a flywheel?

Most of the mass of a flywheel is concentrated at the rim so as to have a larger moment of inertia for the same mass. This is due to the fact that the moment of inertia varies as the square of the distance from the axis of rotation.

Why most of the mass is concentrated on rim in a flywheel?

Most of the mass of a flywheel is concentrated at the rim so as to have large moment of inertia for the same mass.This is due to the fact that the moment of inertia varies as the square of the distance from the axis of rotation.

Which has more rotational inertia a bicycle wheel or a solid disk of the same mass and diameter?

The bike wheel. It wil have its mass concentrated out by the rim.

Where is major mass is located in for rim type fly wheel?


An industrial flywheel has a greater rotational inertia when most of its mass is?

On the outer rim. Further away from the axis point.

What rim of the Grand Canyon is the best to see?

The south rim offers the panoramic views you most likely have seen in pictures, but it is the most crowded. The north rim offers more trees and shade making it a lot different. For a first time visitor I would go to the south rim because it is the most spectacular and there are also places where you can beat most crowds especially if you hike a couple miles into the canyon.

What word sounds same with him?

mostly names-dim, Jim, Kim rim, Tim The one word that sounds like "him" is "hymn".

What is the inner diameter of a basketball ring?

The outside diameter of the basketball ring is 19.25 inches for a 5/8 inch rim, and 19.50 inches for a 3/4 inch rim. 3/4 inch rings are mostly used for heavy duty double rim goals for outdoor play.

What part of a bike is the sidewall?

The sidewall is the part of the tire that is mostly facing towards the side. Between the rim bead, ant the tread pattern.

What company owns RIM?

RIM owns RIM

Can you name some Lebanese bottle water companies?

Sohat-Sannine-Tannourine-Rim-Riwa-Aliya-Cascade-Sabil (those are the mostly used).

How do you measure a pan?

From rim to rim